Our hearts are heavy as we watch the situation in Ukraine unfold and we know we are not alone.
YMCA Calgary is committed to supporting our Ukrainian colleagues – international partners that we consider as our extended family. Over the last 15 years, we have worked together to share ideas with a common goal – to make our communities better for future generations. We are committed to creating safe places of belonging for all and reflecting our shared collective values of caring, respect, honesty, responsibility.
We are also mindful that within our Calgary community, many people are also impacted and devastated by the reality of this conflict. Our colleague and friend Viktor Serbulov, National General Secretary of YMCA Ukraine has shared updates from Kiev, explaining the current situation and impact on the people across the country.
YMCA Europe on LinkedIn: Messages from Ukraine: Viktor Serbulov – Posted February 27, 2022
If you are able, click here to donate to YMCA Europe and to learn more about the Global YMCA’s collaborative efforts to support Ukraine.